The Creative Catechetical Workshop

The main pedagogical idea of the creation of the Creative Catechetical Workshop was that catechesis touches the whole person. It invites them to fulfil their mission as Christian people and to evangelize in a more comprehensive way. This can all happen in a deeper way if all the participants experience the creative dimension of the catechesis. The creativity of the catechesis could refer to the manifestation of God’s creating power in one case and the experience of the human desire to create in another case. That is the reason why not just catechists have a place in the Creative Catechetical Workshop, but students and artists who have the ability of creating and have experiences of the Church as well, because Christians who take part in the catechesis “especially if adults, can contribute to catechesis, by pointing out the most effective ways of understanding and expressing the message such as: ’learning while doing’ ”(General Directory for Catechesis, 157).

The vision

The Creative Catechetical Workshop is a connection of Christ’s faithful people. Passing on our faith requires humility toward God and our fellow man, so – being aware of our inadequacies –  we are seeking a language of communication that approaches the people of today in the most complete way possible. In our time, people – both younger and older – can be addressed almost only with a high-quality creative visual stimuli. Therefore, in order to convey the message of Revelation, the workshop intends to develop audio-visual tools with a complex attitude. The results of our work can be pictures, diagrams, films related to the programs of interactive sessions or spiritual exercises.


Click on the image to get a line on the members and advocates of the Creative Catechetical Workshop.

The Creative Catechetical Workshop

The main pedagogical idea of the creation of the Creative Catechetical Workshop was that catechesis touches the whole person. It invites them to fulfil their mission as Christian people and to evangelize in a more comprehensive way. This can all happen in a deeper way if all the participants experience the creative dimension of the catechesis. The creativity of the catechesis could refer to the manifestation of God’s creating power in one case and the experience of the human desire to create in another case. That is the reason why not just catechists have a place in the Creative Catechetical Workshop, but students and artists who have the ability of creating and have experiences of the Church as well, because Christians who take part in the catechesis “especially if adults, can contribute to catechesis, by pointing out the most effective ways of understanding and expressing the message such as: ’learning while doing’ ”(General Directory for Catechesis, 157).

The vision

The Creative Catechetical Workshop is a connection of Christ’s faithful people. Passing on our faith requires humility toward God and our fellow man, so – being aware of our inadequacies –  we are seeking a language of communication that approaches the people of today in the most complete way possible. In our time, people – both younger and older – can be addressed almost only with a high-quality creative visual stimuli. Therefore, in order to convey the message of Revelation, the workshop intends to develop audio-visual tools with a complex attitude. The results of our work can be pictures, diagrams, films related to the programs of interactive sessions or spiritual exercises.


Click on the image to get a line on the members and advocates of the Creative Catechetical Workshop.